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Watching you climb EVERYTHING is terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. You have no fear and I am completely inspired.

Don't wish it away

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Ryan’s son just turned two. Before he became a father, he would smile patiently and nod his head when people told him how wonderful fatherhood is and how quickly the time would go. But, after two years have passed in a blink, he’s a believer!

He is using GabrielsVault as a virtual family time capsule to store anecdotes, short videos and lots and lots of pictures of this time when, every day, his son seems to grow and change. Ryan explained to his wife that it also helps him to put the not so fun days in perspective and to not take things too seriously. After all, everyone will have a good laugh someday about a moment in time that didn’t feel so funny when it was happening!

While he’s not quite sure when or how he’ll use the information he’s storing, he’s comfortable knowing that he can review, edit and update the information at any time. And if there’s something that has to be shared right away, he can do that from the GabrielsVault interface.